Causes Of Diabetes

What is diabetes ? Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how your body creates food into energy. So, the thing is, there is an organ called pancreas, which is situated beneath the liver and creates insulin. So, every carbohydrate food we eat is broken down into sugar (glucose). When your blood sugar levels go up, it tells the pancreas to release insulin. Diabetes happens when the pancreas can no longer produce insulin for the body. Insulin lets the blood sugar in your body’s cells be used as energy. So, if you have diabetes , either your body is not producing enough insulin or can’t make the insulin as it should. We are going to see types of diabetes their symptoms and causes of diabetes. Types of diabetes Type 1 Diabetes So, type 1 is often developed by lack of insulin; this happens when your immune system attacks the cells of the pancreas and destroys which makes insulin. Roughly there are 6 to 10 % of people who have diabetes have type 1 diabetes. Type 1 dia...