Is It Legal To Sell My Diabetic Test Strips?

Yes!, you can sell your diabetic test strips if you are the legal owner of them.

Anyone can buy test strips, even without a prescription, so as long as you buy the test strips yourself, or receive them legally through an insurance company, you are free to sell them. Cash Now For Test Strips can be bought over the counter at places like drug stores, pharmacies, Wal-Mart – and it is 100% legal to resell over the counter products.

Even if your boxes are marked “mail order only” or “not for retail” you can still sell them – this just means they can’t be sold through a retailer.

Bear in mind that if your boxes were received from Medicare or Medicaid, and are marked as such (they usually have a red band at the bottom with the words “For the Use of Medicare/Medicaid Beneficiaries Only” printed on them) those boxes cannot be resold.

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